Lotsofsock's Sock Sorter Ver1.1

From recent feedback I've updated Lotsofsocks' Sock Sorter to version 1.1! There's some bug fixes, but also in general the game's difficulty has been adjusted. The goal is to balance the game's difficulty curve somewhat, so that beginner players will have an easier time but more skilled players will be much more challenged later in the game. Beginner players should find the game a bit more forgiving and with some persistence should be able to get the later endings, while skilled players will have their socks blown off with how difficult the game can get!

Gameplay Changes:

- Added a "Slide time" to Socks when they land on something. Instead of locking based on falling speed, there is now a set number of frames where the piece can still be moved/rotated. This count resets every time the sock is moved or rotated. This should make it easier to set pieces properly when the game gets faster. (Note. There is a hard limit to how long you can keep a sock in this state to prevent stalling).

- Increased the maximum speed at which socks can drop as the game progresses greatly, however the game speed scales at a slower rate to compensate.

- Adjusted the speed at which dust appears. Now as the game gets faster, dust generation will also increase in speed. Chains' effect on reducing dust increases at the same rate.

- Whenever a dust block is spawned, the rate at which future dust blocks spawn increases slightly.

- Greatly increased how quickly dust generates later in the game each time the player drops a piece.

- The fifth ending now requires 500,000 points to get (Before it was 400,000).

- Added ending buttons to the option menu, you can now view any ending that requires a lower score than your highest score.

Bug Fixes:

-Fixed a bug where certain functions (Most notably dust build up) were faster due to the game running at a faster framerate on some machines.

- Fixed an issue where clicking buttons on the main menu did not properly play the select sound effect or change the color of the button.

- Fixed some slight typos in the ending screen text.

- Fixed an issue where sometimes a sock would get "Stuck" moving left/right/down even after the player stopped holding that direction.


Lotsofsocks Sock Sorter Windows 1.1.zip 37 MB
Jan 05, 2024
Lotsofsocks Sock Sorter.zip Play in browser
Jan 05, 2024

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